生物医学Biomedical Sciences
环境科学Environmental Science
材料科学Materials Science
药学Pharmaceutical Sciences
海洋科学和水产养殖Marine Science and Aquaculture
消费者行为研究consumer behaviour and research
大众传播mass communication
社会企业管理social enterprise management
人力资源管理和心理学human resource management with psychology
航空电子学Aerospace Avionics
航空航天工程Aerospace Engineering
航空管理Aviation Management
工程项目Common Engineering Programme
电气和电子工程Electrical and Electronic Engineering
工程设计与业务Engineering Design with Business
工程系统和管理Engineering Systems and Management
工业和运营管理Industrial and Operations Management
绿色建筑能源管理Green Building Energy Management
供应链管理Supply Chain Management
酒店和酒店管理hotel and hospitality management
客户体验管理与业务customer experience management with business
综合事件管理integrated events management
餐厅和厨房操作restaurant and culinary operations
健康,生活方式和水疗中心管理wellness, lifestyle and spa management
业务应用程序Business Applications
业务信息系统Business Information Systems
信息技术Information Technology
互动和数字媒体Interactive and Digital Media
通信安全管理Infocomm Security Management
IT服务管理IT Service Management
手机软件开发Mobile Software Development
健康管理和提升health management and promotion
健康服务管理health services management
户外探险学outdoor and adventure learning
体育与运动科学sports and exercise sciences
体育和休闲管理sports and leisure management
运动训练学sports coaching
设计用户体验design for user experience
游戏设计game design
媒体制作和设计media production and design
声波艺术sonic arts
艺术和戏剧管理arts and theatre management
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